1.  Discuss three actions that a woman can take to maintain her reproductive health.

Assignment 1

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Briefly answer the following questions in the space below inline.

1.  Discuss three actions that a woman can take to maintain her reproductive health.

2.  List three methods of contraception and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each.

3.  Describe three actions should a woman take during pregnancy to maintain optimum health for her baby and for herself.

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A woman’s reproductive health is obviously a huge and important part of her whole health. Here are 7 ways to take care of ones reproductive health proactively. 1. Choose a birth control wisely. Talk to your doctor about the kind of birth control you want. Birth control pills, while most widely available, might also cause side effects like low libido, mood swings, weight gain. You can explore other options like copper IUD and silicone diaphragms, if you are not comfortable with hormonal birth control methods. 2. Practice safe sex. Birth control isn’t the same thing as STI protection. Always talk to your new partner about your sexual history *before* having sex. (And make sure he is someone who is comfortable and honest about his history–if he’s being shady, kick him to the curb–seriously). Use condoms every single time if you are non-monogamous–none of this, oh we’ve been having sex for a while and I’m on the pill so it’s cool (it’s not!). Remember too that condoms don’t protect against HPV. Young women from 11-26 can (and should) get HPV vaccination that protects against genital warts and cervical cancer. 3. Track monthly cycle. Getting to know your cycle will change your life! For one, you’ll feel more connected to your body, which leads to feeling more empowered and self-loving. For another, when you feel exhausted and upset for no reason, you’ll be able to check on your calendar and know it’s because you’re close to your period. It’s a great way to understand how your body is related to your mood, skin condition, productivity, or even creativity levels. If you are trying to get pregnant (or avoid it), it’s also good to know your ovulation week. I use P.Tracker app and it’s made my life so much better…..

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