New Treatments for Breast Cancer Essay
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Write My Essay For Me– New Treatments for Breast Cancer Breast Cancer affects one in eight of American women, and is the second most common cause of cancer death in America. I chose to write my term paper on breast cancer because it is a disease that has effected some members of my family. Due to this possibly inherited condition, I felt that researching the topic would help me learn ways to prevent the disease and educate myself to perform self-exams that may result in early detection. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor in the glandular tissues of the breast…. [tags: Papers]
1938 words | (5.5 pages) | Preview
Genetic Screening for Colorectal Cancer
– Introduction Due to the human genome project and other genetic research, tests for mutation which cause diseases have been developed. The list of these illnesses include several types of cancer. Doctors have estimated that as many as 3,000 diseases are due to mutations in the genome. These diseases include several types of colon cancer in which three different genetic tests have been already developed. Debates have arisen on whether these tests should be used regularly or not. Questions including the patients= rights of privacy and the possibility of loss of health or life insurance have been argued over in both the media and political arena…. [tags: Genetic Testing Essays]
3012 words | (8.6 pages) | Preview
– Cancer Fewer than ten percent of most cancers are thought to be due to strong hereditary factors. Many physicians believe that prevention is the best way to effectively tackle cancer. One of those factors in prevention is the individual knowing their family history so that they can develop an awareness of their families’ cancer lineage. Other factors are a balanced diet, not smoking, moderate alcohol consumption and exercise. Strong hereditary factors that increase cancer risk are more likely to be found in families that have: • Individuals diagnosed with cancer at a younger than expected age (for example, breast cancer in the 40’s or prostate cancer in the 50’s) • Three or… [tags: Papers]
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– Cancer Cancer is a disease in which cells grow out of control and invade, erode, and destroy normal tissue. Damaged genes cause this development of cancer. These damaged genes are often a factor caused by such things such as the environment, and can be influenced by inherited factors. As the very early damaged cells divide they can evolve into a malignant cell population, and lose the control mechanism that govern normal cell division. These malignant cells can then go on to form solid tumours that start to destroy normal tissue…. [tags: Papers]
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– Cancer is new growth of tissue resulting from rapid production of abnormal cells Cancer is not a single disease but includes a number of diseases classified according to the tissue and type of cell in which new growth occurs, here are three major subtypes are Sarcomas, Carcinomas, Leukemias and Lymphomas. More than 1,350,000 new cases of cancer occur in the United States each year. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the nation, and the leading cause of death from disease in children between the ages of 1 and 14…. [tags: essays research papers]
689 words | (2 pages) | Preview
– Cancer Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. If the spread of these abnormal cells is not controlled, cancer can cause death. Most cancers take the form of tumors, although not all tumors are cancers. A tumor is simply a mass of new tissue that serves no physiological purpose. It can be benign, like a wart, or malignant, like cancer. Benign tumors are made up of cells similar to the surrounding normal cells and are enclosed in a membrane that prevents them from penetrating neighboring tissues…. [tags: Medical Medicine Health Essays]
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Effects of Cancer on People
– Effects of Cancer on People Cancer is a deadly disease that has some very serious effects on a person both physically and mentally. Cancer can result in a simple surgery that may take only a couple days, or a life-long struggle that leaves someone so fatigued and tired that it makes them want to give up. It will put fear in anyone’s eyes and will devastate even the strongest of people, but cancer can bring out the courageousness in a person to fight this disease and not give up. It can be a fatal disease but it can also bring out the strength in someone which is an amazing thing…. [tags: Health]
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– Cancer INTRODUCTION In the American society, cancer is the disease most feared by the majority of people within the U.S. Cancer has been known and described throughout history. In the early 1990s nearly 6 million cancer cases and more than 4 million deaths have been reported worldwide, every year. The most fatal cancer in the world is lung cancer, which has grown drastically since the spread of cigarette smoking in growing countries. Stomach cancer is the second leading form of cancer in men, after lung cancer…. [tags: essays research papers fc]
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– Cancer Today there are one in three people worldwide who are affected by cancer, and almost 60% of these people will almost certainly die. 7000 New Zealanders die every year from this disease. It is the second largest killer next to heart disease. Cancer does not just affect certain groups of people, it can affect anybody and it is not just one disease, it refers to more than a hundred diseases. Cancer is caused by carcinogens. At present, hundreds of chemicals are known to induce cancer. Normally, the body’s cells divide in an orderly way, allowing the body to grow and to heal after injury…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Humans are a Cancer of the Earth
– Humans are a Cancer of the Earth Earth has undeniably suffered a rapid deterioration in health over the past few centuries. The symptoms of her illness, including global warming, water pollution, and deforestation, are ever-increasing and cannot be ignored. Dr. William Hern believes he has discovered the culprit behind this malady: Homo ecophagus, a newly-coined label for the present day humans that are devouring the environment in cancer-like fashion (Dr. William Hern, p. 8). His diagnosis involves drawing parallels between a malignant neoplasm and humans…. [tags: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays]
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– I chose to do my report on cancer because it is a subject I want to learn about and because it can probably fit 5 pages. My bibliography is on the ending of the report, my teacher helped me with it because I didnt know how to do it. Cancer is the name for tumors that are malignant. Malignant tumors do not respond to body mechanisms that limit growing. Malignant tumors show a not normal cell structure the same functional specialized cells. Also cancer cells growing in laboratory tissue culture do not stop growing when they touch each other on a glass or other solid surface but grow in masses several layers deep they are said to lack contact inhibition…. [tags: essays research papers fc]
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– Cancer The problem is cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world and my interest in the subject is simple. My mother is the most resilient person I have ever met. Any time I need any kind of inspiration, I need only to think of her. When she was eighteen she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. The doctors gave her a less than thirty percent chance of living. Since then she has had cancer three other times. Breast cancer twice in ‘85 and ‘90, and most recently, colon cancer two summers ago…. [tags: Papers]
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Cancer Treatment With Gene Therapy
– Cancer Treatment With Gene Therapy Gene therapy has been progressing over the past half-century and has led to many discoveries pertaining to the treatment of cancer. Normal body cells can either become cancerous by losing or gaining a function. To treat cancer, scientists can either replace damaged genes (such as a damaged tumor suppressing gene) in the malignant cells or stop the cells from overexpressing genes (such as oncogenes, or genes that have been altered and can cause the development of cancer in normal body tissue) (Culver, 97)…. [tags: Biology Medical Biomedical]
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– Cancer My friend, Matt, was diagnosed with cancer in May 2002. I was shocked when Matt’s girlfriend, Amber, told me that he had cancer, because Matt was only twenty-three years old when diagnosed. The type of cancer Matt has is called Leukemia, which is cancer of the white blood cells. This cancer starts in the bone marrow but can then spread to the blood, lymph nodes, the spleen, liver, central nervous system and other organs. Cancer affects many people each year including my grandmother who had cancer and now one of my close friends…. [tags: essays research papers fc]
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Analysis of Treatments for Cancer
– Treatments for Cancer Cancer is a disease in which cells multiply out of control and gradually build a mass of tissue called a tumor. There has been a large amount of research dedicated to the treatment and cure of cancer. Several types of treatments have been developed. The following are just some of the major examples of cancer therapy: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biologic therapy, biorhythms, unconventional treatments, and hyperthermia. Each type of treatment is discussed in detail below…. [tags: Exploratory Essays Research Papers]
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Eliminating Cancer with the Mind
– Eliminating Cancer with the Mind Over 1 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer each year and over 1,500 lives will be lost to cancer today (1). Many people undergo grueling hours of chemotherapy and radiation to discover that their cancer has spread to other parts of their body and that the treatments need to begin all over again. Unfortunately, there is no cure for cancer at the present time. Modern medical treatments attack the cancer and treat the organs affected by the disease, but pay little attention to the other areas of significance in the person’s life…. [tags: Biology Essays Research Papers]
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– Topic: Cancer General End: To Persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that cancer is bad and they should eat a healthy diet. Central Idea: Cancer can be caused by smoking, drinking, sunburns, ect… and there are foods that can help stop cancer. I. What we eat really affects our risk of cancer. A. 35% of all cancers have a nutritional connection. 1. When lifestyle factors such as smoking and sunbathing are included the risk can be as high as 85%. a. What we eat makes a big difference in our energy levels, our mood and and even our self esteem…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Belarus
– Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Belarus Belarus is a region just north of the Ukraine in an area that was previously part of the Soviet Union. In 1986 the nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl suffered a serious incident involving a fire and the release of significant amounts of radioactivity. The Gomel region lies immediately to the north of Chernobyl and is known to have received a high level of radioactivity as fallout after the breakdown of the reactor on 26th April 1986. The plume passed first over the Gomel region in the first few hours after a major release of radioactivity, and then over the Brest and Grodno regions…. [tags: Papers]
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Cancer in United States
– Cancer in United States Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There are a lot of different kinds of cancer. Here are the most common cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, head and neck cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, melanoma, non-hodgkins lymphoma, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and rectal cancer. ———————————————————————- A lot of cancers exist, but they all have some common characteristics. Cancer cells can reproduce much faster than normal cells…. [tags: Papers]
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The Breast Cancer Information Gap
– This article is about the risks of breast implants and breast cancer. The author believes that people making decisions to have breast reconstruction need to be well informed before they make the choice. The risks of breast implants include pain, breakage, leakage, and links to many other diseases. There are two types of breast implants. There are saline and silicone. Both of them have outer silicone shells but one is filled with saline and the other silicone. The FDA didn’t look at the hazards of breast implants until 1991…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Tanning Beds and Skin Cancer
– Tanning Beds and Skin Cancer What is UV radiation. Before one can discuss harmful effects of tanning equipment and increased sun exposure, one must be familiar with the components of ultraviolet light and how affects the skin. Sunlight contains two types of ultraviolet (UV) light: UVA and UVB. UVA rays consist of longer wavelengths that penetrate deep into the dermal layer of skin. Limited exposure to UVA rays causes skin to tan; however, most experts agree that overexposure to UVA can lead to other long-term skin damage…. [tags: Medical Medicine Papers]
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Cancer and the Immune System
– Have you ever eaten something without washing your hands or been next to someone who sneezed. If you have then you’ve been exposed to millions of germs. The world is full of germs (microorganisms) – things like bacteria and viruses which can make us sick – and simple things like breathing and eating are constantly exposing us to them. Sometimes we get sick, but amazingly enough, most of the time we don’t. Our body’s ability to fight off disease is due to the incredible immune system. Several T cells (white) attacking a tumor However, at times something goes wrong with the immune system…. [tags: Biology T Cells]
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Smoking and Lung Cancer
– Smoking and Lung Cancer Lung Cancer accounts for fifteen percent of all cancer cases, and an estimated 170,000 people in the United States get lung cancer a year. (5)About 155,000 of those people die from the cancer. Recently, the rate of women affected by lung cancer has increased, while the rate of men affected has decreased. However, lung cancer is the leading cancer that kills both women and men. (1) So, what is lung cancer. Lung cancer is the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in the lung…. [tags: Biology Essays Research Papers]
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Cancer Ward The Old Doctor
– Cancer Ward: “The Old Doctor” In this chapter Ludmila goes to visit her former mentor Dr. Oreshchenkov. He lives in a nice home and it is filled with things of the past and who he is. Ludmila has realized that she has cancer. However, she is not willing to except her own intuition and goes to Oreshchenkov to be sure and even to be told that “it’s nothing serious”. While she is there she has a small sense of release and calm. Later the two of them get in to a discussion over the need for the “family- doctor”…. [tags: essays research papers]
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probability of brest cancer
– Probability of Breast Cancer A National Cancer Institute (NCI) report estimates that about 1 in 8 women in the United States (approximately 13.3 percent) will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. This estimate is based on cancer rates from 1997 through 1999, as reported in NCI’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program publication SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1973–1999. This publication presents estimates of the risk of developing breast cancer in 10-, 20-, and 30-year intervals…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Breast Cancer Susceptibility Screening
– Breast Cancer Susceptibility Screening Introduction In 1994, researchers isolated a gene, BRCA1, that has had an unprecedented impact on the study of cancer genetics. BRCA1 is a breast cancer susceptibility gene, meaning that women who possess certain mutations in this gene also possess a greatly inc reased risk of acquiring familial breast cancer. Just a year later, a second breast cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA2, was discovered. Mutations in these two genes alone appear to be responsible for approximately 70% of breast cancer cases in families w ith an inheritance pattern affecting several generations…. [tags: Health Science Scientific Essays]
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Cancer and Lucille Clifton’s Poetry
– Cancer and Lucille Clifton’s Poetry Sometimes knowledge of someone’s life can be taught by stanzas. It is not always simple being honest and open to discuss past troubles, but it is important that those negative thoughts do not stay bottled inside you. Expressing these feelings can help aid in recovering. Lucille Clifton uses poetry as her therapy to bring out all the shadows in her life. From the beginning of her career with the publishing of Good News About the Earth in 1972 to the most recent addition, Mercy in 2004, we see how Clifton relies on her writing to capture her past…. [tags: Lucille Clifton poem Poet Poems Essays]
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Skin Cancer in Australia
– Skin Cancer in Australia Skin cancer is a significant public health issue in Australia. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun in the UVA and UVB wavelengths is the primary cause. Australia has been a world leader in efforts to protect the ozone layer, the main line of defense against ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. Ultraviolet radiation induces the formation of thymine dimers that cause mutation of skin cells if not repaired before DNA replication. Mutations of tumor suppressor genes can lead to uncontrolled cell growth…. [tags: Medical Health Dermatology Essays]
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Cancer and NMR Spectroscopy
– Cancer is a disease that will most likely affect each and every one of us throughout our lives. There are approximately 560,000 people that die from cancer each year. To put it in perspective, between 1/4 and 1/3 of all Americans will die from this deadly disease. These statistics could be greatly reduced if people would stop smoking. Approximately 35% of all cancer cases are direct results of tobacco use. Many people do not fully understand what cancer really is. Cancer is simply a mutation in the cells which causes them to replicate continuously without bond…. [tags: Biology ]
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Gene Therapy for Cancer
– Cancer occurrs by the production of multiple mutations in a single cell that causes it to proliferate out of control. Cancer cells often different from their normal neighbors by a host of specific phenotypic changes, such as rapid division rate, invasion of new cellular territories, high metabolic rate, and altered shape. Some of those mutations may be transmitted from the parents through the germ line. Others arise de novo in the somatic cell lineage of a particular cell. Cancer-promoting mutations can be identified in a variety of ways…. [tags: Research Papers]
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Antioxidant Vitamins and Cancer
– Antioxidant Vitamins and Cancer Cancer is one of the world’s number one killers; nearly 75% of all Americans are affected by this disease. Thus, much time and research has been put into finding a preventative means of slowing the deaths attributed to this disease. Research by the scientific community coupled with propaganda from the media has brought antioxidants to the forefront in preventative medicine against cancer. This site will discuss what the claims are about antioxidant vitamins and what science has shown to in fact be true…. [tags: Medicine Medical Essays Health]
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Secondhand Smoke and Cancer
– Thesis Statement: Second hand smoke is a cause of cancer. Data: Newspapers 1. “When these new data for cervical cancer are considered in light of similar results from previously published studies, our findings suggest that passive smoking may be firmly linked with cervical cancer,” wrote lead author Anthony J. Alberg. “Our study of two large cohorts found that women who lived with smokers had a percent or greater risk of developing cervical neoplasia.” excerpt from Second hand smoke, cervical cancer linked…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Breast Cancer In Women
– Breast Cancer in Women As most of us look ahead into what we expect for our future, we will envision a life of good health, success and family. What if the health factor was not good. What if the woman in the family became ill with one of the most uprising and terminal illnesses. Breast cancer is a type of cancer which develops from a mutated gene. “One in 10 American women who live to be 70 develop breast cancer, with more than 180,000new cases diagnosed each year.” (Predicting breast-cancer, MSNBC Health News) Most of us, when thinking of the future do not take into account the idea of becoming ill…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Gene Therapy and Cancer
– Gene Therapy and Cancer In 1997, an estimated 1.38 million Americans will be newly diagnosed with cancer (Blaese, 1997). The treatments available only cure half of them. Many new strategies, including gene therapy are in developmental stages for treating cancer. Nearly half of all gene therapy trials currently under way deal with cancer and experts believe a number of these applications will be in use within the next three to five years (Lyon, 1997). Cancer is considered a genetic disorder. Studies have identified a small number of genes that must be mutated to bring about development of cancer or maintain the growth of malignant cells (Klug, 1996)…. [tags: Genetics Science Technology Medical Essays]
1998 words | (5.7 pages) | Preview
Life, Death, and Cancer
– Life, Death, and Cancer The vast majority of people go though life taking things as they are; they seem to never want to know how things work or why something happens the way it does. Think about it, how does a plan fly, or how does an engine run. These innovations were discovered many years ago and took much time and effort to discover and perfect. If a person were to look at the world, there is not much that they could say “I know how this works”, rather they say “I wonder why this happens as it does”…. [tags: Essays Papers]
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Indoor Tanning and Cancer
– Indoor Tanning and Cancer Guaranteed brown, beautiful and golden skin in only a few tans. Indoor tanning promises and creates a beautiful tan in only a few sessions. The result from this tan is dark and clear skin that makes a person feel and look better. No wonder this craze is so popular. Who wouldn’t want to look like they just came back from the Caribbean with beautiful skin. I mean having tan skin does make a person look better right. This question is obviously a personal opinion, but this new habit of tanning indoors has become a growing concern…. [tags: Cancerous Tan Tanning Bed Salon Essays Papers]
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Lung Cancer
– Lung Cancer Lung cancer is not just one disease but rather a group of diseases. All forms of cancer cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control. Most types of cancer cells form a lump or mass called a tumor. Cells from the tumor can break away and travel to other parts of the body where they can continue to grow. This spreading process is called metastasis. When cancer spreads, it is still named after the part of the body where it started. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it is still breast cancer, not lung cancer…. [tags: Papers]
2354 words | (6.7 pages) | Preview
Lung Cancer
– Lung Cancer Lung cancer is the number one killer of cancers of both men and women here in the United States. It accounts for 28% of the death rates due to cancer. In 1999, it is estimated that 1,221,800 new cases of cancer are expected to occur and out of these 171,600 are to be cases of lung cancer. (Meyer 1990) If lung cancer is the number one killer in the United States, one must wonder how it affects other countries around the world. One will find that the United States does not even have the worse statistics of death from lung cancer…. [tags: A Level Essays]
1983 words | (5.7 pages) | Preview
Skin Cancer
– Skin Cancer Skin cancer is a disease that can affect any one. Skin cancer includes many types that can be classified as severe or superficial. Consequently, treatement of skin cancer depends on the degree of severity a person has. In the following paper, we will shed lights on the types of skin cancer and its causes. Finally, we will investigate how to treat the different types of cancer and how to avoid it. Skin cancer is a term used to describe cancer in skin tisssues. The skin is made of several layers…. [tags: science]
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Breast Cancer
– Breast Cancer Breast cancer is only one of 200 different types of cancer. It is considered a woman’s disease but both men and women have the disease. Every year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Twelve percent of all women will get the disease and 3.5% of them will die. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old. Cancer occurs when cells divide uncontrollably. Cells keep dividing even though new cells are not needed. Change from normal to cancerous cells requires gene alterations…. [tags: Science Biology]
2062 words | (5.9 pages) | Preview
Throat Cancer
– Throat Cancer There are many kinds of cancer that are around us every day. There is Lung cancer caused from smoking, skin cancer caused by the sun and many other kinds of cancer. The one that I want to talk about is Throat cancer. You may say you have not heard of throat cancer before, that is because it has a couple of different names. I t can be called esophageal cancer, cancer of the pharynx and cancer of the throat. But before we talk about throat cancer I think we need to figure out what cancer in general is…. [tags: Papers]
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Lung Cancer
– There are two different types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. It is all depending on the size of what the cells look like under a microscope. Both of these types of lung cancer can grow differently which leads to them both being treated differently. Non-small cell lung cancer is the more common of the two and it usually grows fairly slow. There are three main types of non-small cell lung cancer and they are squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma…. [tags: essays research papers fc]
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lung cancer
– Lung cancer is the most common cancer-related cause of death among men and women. Lung cancer can be undetected for many years causing it to become more dangerous and possibly fatal. There is not cure for lung cancer or any cancer, but if detected in an early stage the lung cancer can be detected, treated, and hopefully terminated. There are many new and developing treatments being tested now that may save lives in the future. Through understanding what the lung cancer is, doctors can easily diagnose and assess cancer patients…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Prostate Cancer
– Prostate Cancer The prostate gland is an egg-sized organ that rings the male urethra. The secretions of the prostate give nutrients to the semen. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second most common cause of cancer death in men. (Ernstoff,Heaney,Peschel,1998,pviii) Like all cancers, prostate cancer is an uncontrolled cell production in a particular organ or area of the body. In the case of prostate cancer, these cells begin to split impulsively in the prostate and form tumors…. [tags: Papers]
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Breast Cancer
– Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, it accounts for one of every three diagnoses in the United States. Breast cancers are malignancies, life threatening tumors that develops in one or both breasts. A female breast consists of fatty and fibrous connective tissues. The interior of the breast is divided into about twenty different sections called lobes. Each of the lobes is further divided in to lobules, which are structures that contain small milk-producing glands. These glands place the milk into tiny ducts…. [tags: essays research papers]
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breast cancer
– Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. The American cancer society estimates that in 2002 about 192,200 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed among women in the U.S. alone. Breast cancer also occurs in men. An estimated 1,500 cases will be diagnosed among men. In 2002, there will be about 40,600 deaths from breast cancer in the United States. What is breast cancer. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that has developed from cells of the breast. To make it easier I’ll put it this way…. [tags: essays research papers]
1110 words | (3.2 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer
– Breast Cancer Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There are many different types of cancer that are affecting people all over. Breast Cancer is one of these, and is found in man and women. Over 200,000 women and 1,300 men have been diagnosed with breast cancer this year. One in eight women will detect breast cancer in their lifetime. Men are less than one percent of the cases of breast cancer that are detected. Although prevention is not yet available, early detection is the best way to handle breast cancer, which can be treated in many ways…. [tags: Health Disease Essays Papers Prevention]
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Skin Cancer
– Skin Cancer What is it and how to prevent it Skin cancer is the most prevalent of all cancers. There are three types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. In this presentation I plan to discuss a little about each of these cases as well as tell ways to prevent and treat them. The first most common skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. This cancer develops in the basal or bottom layer of the epidermis, which is the top layer of the skin. The cause of this cancer is a gene called patched or PTC, which helps to control cell growth and development…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Breast Cancer
– Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Prevention Every year for the last fifty years the number of cases of breast cancer in women has steadily increased. The only cancer that claims more women’s lives in the United States is Lung Cancer. ( This naturally causes concern among women, and thus the question of prevention is immediately asked. With prevention of lung cancer, the easiest and most effective way is to avoid smoking completely…. [tags: Health Women Essays]
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Bowel Cancer
– Bowel Cancer The bowels are the intestines, consisting of the small intestine (the section between the stomach and the appendix) and the large intestine (from the appendix to the anus). The large intestine is divided into the long colon and a short rectum, just before the anus. Two thirds of bowel cancers occur in the colon and one third in the rectum, with very few in the small intestine. Who is at risk of bowel cancer. =============================== There are about 35,000 new cases each year in the UK…. [tags: Papers]
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Breast Cancer
– In the United States in 1999 alone, an estimated 43,700 people will die from breast cancer. It is the number two cancer killer among females ages 15 to 54. On average if a woman gets this disease, their life expectancy drops drastically. This cancer is within the top three cancers of all women above the age of 15, and comprises a great amount of all health care costs in the U.S. totaling an astounding 37 billion dollars a year in direct medical costs. An average woman is said to have a one in nine chance of getting the cancer, but if that person had family history of the disease, his or her chances have been measured up to a one in six chance…. [tags: essays research papers]
2718 words | (7.8 pages) | Preview
brest cancer
– “One in every ten women in the United States will develop breast cancer sometime during her life”. (Breast Care). More than six percent of these cases are linked to hereditary. There are many measures that can be taken to detect breast cancer early in its stages. Women who believe they have a higher risk should have the breast cancer gene testing. In order for a woman to consider her case of breast cancer to be hereditary, she must contain either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation in her genetic make up…. [tags: essays research papers fc]
1052 words | (3 pages) | Preview
Skin Cancer
– Skin Cancer About a million americans will develop skin cancer this year. Skin cancer is the most prevalent of all cancers, and it’s increasingly on the rise. There are millions of tiny cells that make up the human body. There are different kinds of cells, but they all make new cells by a process that involves dividing in half. This is how old cells are replaced with strong new cells. When a cells divides and doesn’t do the job that it was intended to do for the body, and then it continues to divide and makes more of these “useless” cells, and these cells continue to collect, it is called a tumor…. [tags: Papers]
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Thyroid Cancer
– The thyroid gland is the gland that makes and stores hormones that help regulate the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and metabolism. Thyroid hormones are essential for the function of every cell in the body. They help regulate growth and the rate of chemical reactions in the body. Thyroid hormones also help children grow and develop. The thyroid gland is located in the lower part of the neck, below the Adam’s apple, wrapped around the trachea. It has the shape of a butterfly with two lobes attached to one another by a middle part called the isthmus…. [tags: essays research papers]
1977 words | (5.6 pages) | Preview
– Throat Cancer Each year, smoking kills more people than AIDS, alcohol, drug abuse, car accidents, murder, suicide, and fires—combined. The use of tobacco increases the risk of contracting throat cancer. Throat cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers within the United States. Cancer of the larynx (or voice box) is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the tissues of the larynx. The larynx is a short passageway shaped like a triangle that is just below the pharynx in the neck…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Skin cancer
– Most parents remembered hearing about the importance of protecting their children from the sun, yet children are still playing in the sun without sunscreen or protective clothing. Many people these days are not taking skin cancer seriously after knowing its significance. Skin cancer has been a growing problem in the United States and millions of people have suffered from it every year. The three most common skin cancers are Melanoma, Basal cell, and Squamous cell, which can cause bumps, sores, growths, etc…. [tags: essays research papers]
1321 words | (3.8 pages) | Preview
lung cancer
– LUNG CANCER Lung cancer is a carcinoma that develops in the epithelial cells that form the interior lining to the lungs. The airways get the most exposure to inhaled pollutants, thus most people who get lung cancer are smokers. Lung cancer is not just one disease. There are many types of cancer that form in the lungs most of which you can only see through a microscope. The most common cancer of the lungs is epidermoid. It is also known as squamous carcinoma because its cells look like a flat surface called a squamous cell…. [tags: essays research papers]
1412 words | (4 pages) | Preview
Brain Cancer
– The brain is made up of millions upon millions of cells. These cells are formed from before birth, up until about 7 years old. Once these brain cells stop dividing, they are never meant to divide again. You can see that the division of brain cells is under strict regulation and control. When this control is lost in a single cell, then it starts dividing in an uncontrolled manner. All of the data obtained through research on cancer shows that this disease is caused by a rapidly dividing cell, with no regulators to stop it from dividing…. [tags: essays research papers]
999 words | (2.9 pages) | Preview
Colon Cancer
– Colon Cancer Disease Name: Colon Cancer Chromosome Number: #2 Locus Designation: 2p16 In the summer of 1993 researchers discovered a gene, known as MSH2, is lacking within colon cells. The MSH2 genes main function is to detect and correct small mutations that occur during cell division. The cause of colon cancer arises when this gene does not provide this protection to colon cells. This lack of protection causes multiple mutations within the colon cells until they become cancerous…. [tags: Biology Biological Medical Essays]
706 words | (2 pages) | Preview
After Cancer
– After Cancer Twice a day, an email full of support, encouragement, and information arrives in the inboxes of the 370 members of the Long-term Cancer Survivors mailing list. The topic of discussion is often the “late effects” of cancer treatment. One member’s recent posting is titled “Why?” “Why, after being in remission for years, am I so angry and depressed that my personal relationships are falling apart?” the cancer survivor asked. The answer is the psychosocial late effects of cancer treatment…. [tags: Long Term Effects Medicine Medical Papers]
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Breast Cancer
– Breast cancer is a frightening disease. It can be fatal, and while two thirds of the cases occur among mature women, it also strikes younger females and about nine thousand males each year. The fear generated by breast cancer is intensified by the somewhat shocking reality that breast cancer has actually increased over the last fifty years. In 1940, a woman had a one-in-twenty chance of developing the disease, while today one out of every eight women will get breast cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, every three minutes somewhere a woman is diagnosed with it…. [tags: essays research papers fc]
898 words | (2.6 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer
– Breast Cancer The thought of having breast cancer is frightening to every woman, and devastating to some. However, ignoring the possibility that you may get breast cancer, or avoiding the things you should do to detect and avoid cancer, can be even more dangerous. Breast cancer is a devastating disease that may affect one out of nine women in the United States. This year alone, a patient will be diagnosed every three minutes and a woman will die from breast cancer every thirteen minutes. Unfortunately, there is still little known about the disease’s cause or cure…. [tags: Biology Essays]
746 words | (2.1 pages) | Preview
Colon Cancer
– Colon Cancer What is the disease. Colon and rectal cancer develop in the digestive tract, which is also called the gastrointestinal, or GI, tract. The digestive system processes food for energy and rids the body of solid waste matter (fecal matter or stool). Colon cancer and rectal cancer have many features in common. Sometimes they are referred to together as colorectal cancer. Over 95% of colorectal cancers are ad enocarcinomas. These are cancers of the glandular cells that line the inside of the colon and rectum…. [tags: essays research papers]
2271 words | (6.5 pages) | Preview
Larnyx Cancer
– Cancer Information: Larynx Cancer Larynx cancer is a cancer that effects the larynx, or voice box, in people; it can also be called laryngeal cancer. The cancer occurs most frequently in people over the age of fifty-four and in black males. The larynx is approximately two inches long and is located below the nose passage way and above the trachea. Tumors can develop anywhere in the three parts of the larynx, the glottis, supraglottis, and subglottis. When the cancer spreads to other parts of the body it is called metastatic cancer…. [tags: essays research papers]
519 words | (1.5 pages) | Preview
Lung cancer
– Lung Cancer I chose to do lung cancer in American women because of the fact that many women die from it every year. Women put themselves in danger by risking the chances of a premature death and other types of complications from smoking. In this report I want to learn whom smoking effected more, men or women, what age bracket does smoking most occur in women, and the overall effects that smoking and lung cancer has on women. Lung cancer is caused by development of airway obstruction, and clinical symptoms leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) as well as to recurrent respiratory tract infections (Klech H, Kummer F., “Smoking causes chronic obstructive lung diseases… [tags: essays research papers]
642 words | (1.8 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer
– Breast Cancer Chromosome 17 and BRCA1 Among the most common diseases affecting the female population, breast cancer develops in one of every eight American women. This means that almost 200,000 women suffer from the disease each year. Doctors would advise women to take necessary precautions, such as routine surveillance, in order to ensure a life without obtaining this disease prior to understanding any genetic linkage of breast cancer. Although many external factors contribute to breast cancer, current investigations reveal that five to ten percent of these cases may be attributed to genetic inheritance (Lynch, 1999)…. [tags: Diseases Medical Medicine Essays]
835 words | (2.4 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer
– BREAST CANCER I) Anatomy of the breast The breast is a gland designed to make milk. II) What is breast cancer. Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. These abnormal growths are called tumors. Not all tumors are cancerous. Non-cancerous tumors – benign Cancerous tumors – malignant If not treated the cancer may spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and the second leading cause of cancer death next to lung cancer…. [tags: essays research papers]
1199 words | (3.4 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer
– Breast Cancer: Risk Factors, Detection & Treatment Among all American women who die when they are between the ages of forty and forty-five, the cause of death most likely to be listed on their death certificates is BREAST CANCER. Breast tumors are responsible for the greatest number of deaths among women, and breast cancer alone is the cause of almost one fifth of all cancer related mortalities. It results in the death of thirty seven thousand American women every year. Currently, there is no concrete answer as to how breast cancer is caused nor is their a cure for the disease…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Ovarian cancer
– My Aunt Kathie was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 1993. She was 47 years old. I remember going to the hospital and visiting her. I even remember buying a troll nurse doll. I wasn’t allowed to see her, but my mom brought me in her room anyway. She had a private room and the nurses were very nice. They give me a surgical mask and scrubs to take home. My aunt was very sick. My aunt found out about the cancer after taking estrogen. The doctors thought she was going through menopause. She had not been getting her periods…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Skin Cancer
– Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. There are two different types of skin cancers: Melanomas and non-melanomas. To understand both of these terms a little better you need to be aware that your skin is divided up into 3 layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutis. The top layer, the epidermis, is very thin and serves to protect the deeper layers of the skin. The epidermis is also composed of basal cells, which in turn divide to form squamous cells and melanocytes…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Lung Cancer
– Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society. During 1995, approximately 2.1 million people in developed countries died as a result of smoking. One tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States. Lung Cancer mortality are about 23 times higher for current male smokers and 13 times higher for current female smokers compared to a lifelong never-smoker. In addition to being responsible for 87% of lung cancers, smoking is also associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, uterine cervix, kidney, and bladder…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Breast Cancer
– Scientists have finally found out why MPA medroxyprogesterone, otherwise known as Provera performs just as well in low doses in small children who are dealing with early sex traits, as it does for women in high doses with breast cancer. You may have heard of Provera before as the drug that delivers hormone replacement therapy for women who are going through menopause. Two scientists, named Lee and Auchus were trying to figure out why Provera is able to treat both early puberty as well as breast cancer…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Advanced Technology of the Treatment of Breast Cancer
– Advanced Technology of the Treatment of Breast Cancer This year 203,000 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and 40,000 of them are expected to die. Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death among women the ages of 35-54. There are numerous ways breast cancer can be treated if found early. The key to treating breast cancer is early detection, beast self-exams, and early mammograms. One out of every eight women will get diagnosed with Breast Cancer this year; therefore, new advanced technology of the treatment of Breast Cancer is the key to life after the disease…. [tags: essays research papers]
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Alternative Cancer Treatment
– Alternative Cancer Treatment Today, many psychologists feel that psychological therapy can give cancer patients’ a longer life. The first to take this stance was Psychiatrist David Spiegel M.D., of Stanford University School of Medicine, in a 1989 study Spiegel gathered patients once a week to discuss there feelings about the cancer and here they received support from other cancer sufferers. “When Spiegel followed up a decade later, he discovered that patients who had participated in the sessions had survived an average of 18 months longer than those in the control group” (Clay,2000)…. [tags: Papers]
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Breast Cancer Treatment
– Breast Cancer Treatment Only lung cancer kills more women each year in the United States than breast cancer does. The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that over 184,000 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in women in 1996 (ACS Breast). Although these statistics are alarming, there are a number of treatment options available for those that are diagnosed with breast cancer. The best way to treat any disease is to prevent it. Since little is known about breast cancer, there are no established rules for prevention.... [tags: essays research papers fc]
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Understanding Ovarian Cancer
– Understanding Ovarian Cancer Ovarian cancer is a disease that develops in a woman’s ovary. The cancer can either begin in the ovary or cancerous cells can be spread from other parts of the body. Ovaries are inside the woman’s pelvic area. From the beginning of puberty all the way until menopause, the ovaries produce female hormones. The job of these hormones is to regulate the menstrual cycle/menstruation. Ovaries also include eggs which are regulated by the hormones during the cycle. Once an ovarian cell becomes cancerous, it will begin to multiply itself and spread quite rapidly…. [tags: Papers]
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Metasizing Cancer Cells
– The human body encompasses some thirty trillion cells. The cells which comprise normal, healthy tissues in the body live in an interdependent relationship with surrounding cells. These tissues are intricately arranged into a marvelous array of cell to cell adhesions and extracellular matrixes. Healthy cells reproduce in a coordinated manner which insures that a particular body tissue maintains its appropriate size, form, and function. Cells which have lost the ability to reproduce in a controlled fashion are termed cancerous cells…. [tags: Biology]
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Breast Cancer Genes
– The Questions Surrounding the Breast Cancer Genes The process of unraveling the mysteries of the human genome creates enormous possibilities in the world of science. Knowing where on our chromosomes a specific gene lies allows scientists to look inside the human body with more intensity than any X-ray could ever achieve. By analyzing the genetic make-up of human beings, scientists can track diseases back to their most fundamental stages. In recent years, scientists have discovered two genes that play a role in the development of various kinds of cancer in both men and women…. [tags: Genetics Medicine Science Papers]
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Understanding Brain Cancer
– Understanding Brain Cancer The brain is the center of thought, emotion, memory, speech, and many more, and it is the most sophisticated organ in the human body. A hard skull protects the brain where it floats in a fluid called Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). The brain is generally set apart from the rest of the body, and functions rather differently too. Most of the brain cells are called astrocytes, and they basically support and serve the 10 billion working cells that are called neurons. These neurons make about 13 trillion connections with one another to sustain life within the human body…. [tags: Papers]
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Cancer Taking Lives
– Cancer Taking Lives The East Pennsboro elementary school raised money for a statue at a local park. The statue was a ring of children that were holding hands. There was one child missing; the link was broken. The statue was dedicated to East Pennsboro students that did not make it to their graduation. My sophomore year of high school inspired this piece of artwork. Mid December during my sophomore year I found out that a friend of mine had lost her struggle with cancer. Tiffanie was diagnosed with two rare forms of ovarian cancer during seventh grade…. [tags: Personal Narrative Writing]
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