NRS 451V Week 3 Assessment Benchmark: Executive Summary

NRS 451V Week 3 Assessment Benchmark: Executive Summary

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In this assignment, you will select a program, quality improvement initiative, or other project from your place of employment. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding.

Write an executive summary (850-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which they will make their decision to fund your program or project. The summary should include:

  1. The purpose of the program or project.
  2. The target population or audience.
  3. The benefits of the program or project
  4. The cost or budget justification.
  5. The basis upon which the program or project will be evaluated.

Share your written proposal with your manager, supervisor or other colleague in a formal leadership position within a health care organization. Request their feedback using the following questions as prompts:

  1. ……… believe the proposal would be approved if formally proposed?
  2. What are some strengths and weaknesses of the proposal?

Submit the written proposal along with the “Executive Summary Feedback Form.”

NRS 451V Week 3 Assessment Benchmark: Executive Summary

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