Nursing Reflection Essays and Research Papers
Nurse Gateway « 1st year reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle » Welcome Guest. Please Login or Register. Jun 26th, 2013, 06:57am Nurse Gateway Student Quarter Essay Bank (Moderator: Pure Maiden) 1st year reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle « Previous Topic | Next Topic » Pages: 1 Author Topic: 1st year reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle (Read 1195 times) Pure Maiden The Administrator member is offline …
Anxiety, Communication, Dysphagia 1478 Words | 5 Pages
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the contribution of reflective practice for clinical nursing. Reflection has been defined as a way for individuals to “capture their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate” (Boud et al 1985: 19) Argyris and Schon (1974) suggest that practitioners often practice at less than effective levels because they follow routine. Johns (1995) implies that action can be taken through reflection to increase effectiveness in practice as reflection provides opportunities for self development as professionals…
Donald Schön, John Wiley & Sons, Nurse 1549 Words | 5 Pages
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This reflection is divided into two parts: the importance of critical reflection and an evaluation of self. The first part will be drawing upon through the appropriate literature, and there are four points to prove the importance of critical reflection in personal development. It will be expounded and distinguish Reflection in action and Reflection on action. Then, the theory of Single and double loop learning will be introduced. Moreover, the reflection also includes the difficulties and challenges…
Donald Schön, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Personal development 2207 Words | 7 Pages
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Reflection of a Forensic Nursing Placement
for example whether it is forensic, community nursing speciality, what you have learned about yourself and the complexity of the Learning Disability nurse’s role within it. You are expected to apply a reflective framework of your choice and support your reflection with appropriate references. This piece of reflection will focus on my experiences whilst on practice placement; I will be using the (Gibbs 1988, cited in Jasper 2003) model of reflection. Gibbs cycle is set out in order of categories…
Health care, Health care provider, Hospital 2673 Words | 7 Pages
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Johns Reflection And Gibbs Reflection in Nursing Practice
Introduction: In this essay, I will discuss several issues that seem to bind nursing practice with questions of ethics, sociology and management. Reflective practice is an important aspect of nursing management and in this essay we discuss implications of discrimination in nursing care and examine the importance of anti-discriminatory perspectives in nursing. In this paper, the case study I will elaborate is of an elderly woman who was of a non-British ethnic origin and spoke little English. A junior…
Case study, Florence Nightingale, Healthcare occupations 1931 Words | 6 Pages
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Community Health Nursing Reflection
Community Health Nursing Reflection Maria Jelyn Engelhardt-Parales NUR/405 August 27, 2012 Amy Weaver Community Health Nursing Reflection Community health nursing practice aims to improve community health by promoting a healthier group of people, individuals, families, and residents within the community. The goal is to maintain, preserve, and promote health by providing information, education, teachings, and health care services to the population. The focus is on the collective good of…
Environmental health, Health, Health care 1084 Words | 4 Pages
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This essay will reflect upon an incident in practice when I administered a drug to a child. I will use Gibbs reflective model (Gibbs 1988)(see appendix 1). This model of reflection will be applied to the essay to facilitate critical thought and relating theory to practice where the model allows. Discussion on the incident will include the knowledge underpinning practice and the evidence base for the administration of the drug. A conclusion to the essay will then be given which will discuss my knowledge…
Feeling, Pharmaceutical drug, Pharmacology 936 Words | 3 Pages
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Reflection on Nursing Handover
REFLECTION on Nursing Handover I have decided to reflect upon the first time I did a nursing handover. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2004) Code of professional conduct, confidentiality shall be maintained and the patient’s name is changed to protect indentity. Reflective writing is considered a key component of portfolio assessment because it provides evidence of skills development and increasing clinical competence (Smith 2005). What is reflection? Reflection is defined…
Nurse, Nursing, Nursing care 2228 Words | 6 Pages
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Nursing Reflection on Clincial Prcatice
ASPECT OF NURSING CARE) Reflection on Clinical Practice – First Placement (Year 1) The following essay is a reflective account on an event that I, a student nurse encountered whilst on my first clinical placement in my first year of study. The event took place in a nursing home. All names have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the patient (NMC, 2008). Throughout this essay I shall be using Gibbs model of reflection. The…
Communication, Feeding tube, Illness 1297 Words | 3 Pages
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Reflection paper nursing
Reflection of a Critical Incident I chose to write about this incident because I feel it emphasizes the risks to which the patients can be exposed while receiving care in a health care facility. It shows how policies and procedures can be neglected by the healthcare professionals, placing the patients at increased risk of getting hospital acquired infection. According to Statistics Canada one in nine patients admitted to Canadian hospitals acquire an infection as a result of their hospital…
Clostridium difficile, Hand washing, Health care 1200 Words | 4 Pages
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What is reflection? Reflection is the examination of personal thoughts and actions. For practitioners this means focusing on how they interact with their colleagues and with the environment to obtain a clearer picture of their own behaviour. It is therefore a process by which practitioners can better understand themselves in order to be able to build on existing strengths and take appropriate future action. And the word ‘action’ is vital. Reflection is not ‘navel-gazing’. Its aim is to develop…
Critical Incident Technique, Donald Schön, Environment 807 Words | 3 Pages
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helpful/ inspiring. Your completed template form and content should be a CRITICAL reflection of the paper/ chapter content but NOT merely summarize what you have read. TEMPLATE FOR REFLECTIONS ON EXPERIENCES DATE: PLACE: The experience 1. What experience are you reflecting on (class session, project group meeting, particular piece of reading, other)? Give a brief account of this experience. 2. 3. Reflections on Experience 4. 2. Looking back, what was particularly memorable/ interesting…
Dunlap broadside, Knowledge, Learning 716 Words | 6 Pages
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A Reflection on Adult Learning Perspective in Nursing
A Reflection on adult learning perspective in nursing Introduction: This essay reflects my integrative learning experience during my second-degree nursing class. There is limited data available on effective teaching skills for adult learning program. This reflection helps in identifying successful learning tools and assessing different strategies in current nursing program. We worked in groups to work for the program and my reflection is about my experience of learning throughout…
Education, Educational psychology, Educational stages 1383 Words | 4 Pages
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Community and Public Nursing Reflection Paper
Community and Public Health Nursing Reflection Lorraine Gambino NUR/405 May 6, 2013 Bonnie Schoettle Community and Public Health Nursing Reflection Incorporating preventative recommendations into clinical work can be a complicated and multidimensional obligation. According to Silva, Cashman, Kunte, & Candib, “addressing preventative recommendation alone for patients in a typical day requires in excess of 7.4 hours” (2012). Health care providers are also aware that within the community…
Addiction, Community, Drug addiction 899 Words | 3 Pages
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Reflecting on an incident in the minor injuries department of A & E The concept of reflection as a learning tool in workplace education can enable the student to problem solve in practice. By exploring the individuals own unique situations and past experience they can, in order to learn, consider past thoughts and memories to achieve a desired outcome. (Rolfe, 1998). Taylor (2000) suggests that, to reflect on action from an event, we must remember our thoughts and memories. Then we must use the…
Good and evil, Mother, Nursing 1652 Words | 4 Pages
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Nursing reflection.
Reflective Essay This essay will look at reflection on a critical incident that has promoted a positive outcome. It is not a very major incident but it stands out as it has a potential for learning. This essay will identify and explain Johns’ (1994) model of reflection and explain what reflection is and why reflective practice is necessary and how it can be used. Schone (1983) recommended reflection on critical incidence as a valuable term, sited in Ghaye and Lillyman (1997) a critical incident…
Communication, Experiential learning, Learning 12849 Words | 43 Pages
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DC00050206 Professional Practice Two WYP 502 Assignment 2 25thMarch 2013 SWOT/CV Contents Page Reflection P3 – P6 Reference List P7 Appendix List P8 Appendix 1 –Updated CV P9 Appendix 2 –Old CV P10 Appendix 3 – Updated SWOT P11 Appendix 4 – Old SWOT P 12 The purpose of this assignment was to reflect and compare four different documents, before analysing the changes made between an updated CV (curriculum vitae) and a SWOT analysis (strengths…
Academia, Academic writing, Learning 985 Words | 4 Pages
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Reflection: Education and Reflective Practice
would involve using ‘The What? Model of Structured Reflection’ (Driscoll 2007) to analyse the experience of using a group designed assessment tool to assess my peers and the experience of being peer assessed. Additionally, experience of completing a group presentation would be reflected upon. A personal action plan which identifies areas for personal development and the designed assessment tool is attached as appendix 1 and 2 respectively. Reflection entails reviewing experience from practice so that…
Assessment, Education, Educational psychology 1856 Words | 6 Pages
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Reflection of Nursing Career
Reflection of Nursing Career Reflection of Nursing Career As I complete my first two weeks of class, I am learning how important an educational focus is towards advancing my career. After our assigned readings I realize that a nursing education has a very significant impact on career advancement and professionalism. A nursing career offers many choices for practitioners and demands accountable and competent practice. Nurses are key members of the healthcare team, striving to…
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Critical thinking, Goal 1126 Words | 3 Pages
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Nursing Essay: Sample Reflecting on one’s Communication Skills Introduction Nursing students can enhance their learning through reflection that is, reflecting on a situation that involves nursing care (Parker 2006, p.115). In line with this thought, I shall reflect on an experience and discuss the communication skills I used or should have used during the patient encounter. I will use the three what model based on the work of Borton (1970) and Boud (1985) to help structure my reflection. Before…
Communication, Health care, Health care provider 2075 Words | 7 Pages
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Community and Public Health Nursing Reflection
Community and Public Health Nursing Reflection Courtney Austin NUR/405 8/11/2014 Community and Public Health Nursing Reflection Maricopa community schools are the local schools for the Gila River Indian Community. Native American children attending these schools are generally obese and do not participate in extra-curricular activities. The Leading Health Indicator (LHI) that applies is Children and adolescents who are considered obese. Recognizing this LHI, nursing diagnoses can be generated…
Epidemiology, Health, Native Americans in the United States 964 Words | 5 Pages
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Reflection: Nursing and Professional Student Nurse
incident took place at a local Hospital during my thirty weeks placement. In order to help me with my reflection I have chosen Gibbs (1988), as the model to help guide my reflective process. This is an iterative model with six stopping points, using these stopping points as headings; I will be able to reflect fully on the incident. So, what is reflection? According to Reid (1993), “reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform…
Diploma in Nursing, Florence Nightingale, Nurse 2065 Words | 7 Pages
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Life in nursing
relation to your development in the Nursing field, one will have to define these two terminologies. Personal development means to include activities that improve awareness, can develop potential that will ultimately enhance the quality of life. Medical colleges advocate personal development plans as a basis for continuing professional development. Whereas, reflective reasoning is where a nurse can apply learning and insights of others into their own work. In nursing courses students learn through lecture…
Leadership, Management, Nurse 902 Words | 3 Pages
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I will reflect on an incident that occurred during my shift to develop positive attitude towards nursing informatics. In this reflection, I am going to use Gibbs (1988) Reflective cycle. This model is a recognized framework for my reflection. Gibbs (1988) consist of six stages to complete one cycle which is able to improve my nursing informatics and learning from the experience for better practice in future. The cycle starts with description of the situation, analysis of the feelings, evaluation…
Health care, Health care provider, Illness 1794 Words | 5 Pages
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Johns Model of Reflection – Nursing
Summative Communication & Cultural Safety Reflection | | | Following an adaption of Johns’ model of structured reflection (Jasper, 2003), I will discuss an event that occurred during my residential placement as a nursing student, what I have learnt and how I would act if the situation arose again. Lastly, I will discuss what I have learnt in relation to the Nursing Council of New Zealand competencies for cultural safety and communication. Description…
Care of residents, Communication, Nurse 2088 Words | 6 Pages
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Reflection Essay
Introduction Gaynor R Williams and Lesley Lowes (2001, p. 1482) found that “Reflection is now a prerequisite for all nurses, midwives and health visitors. It is the method endorsed by the UKCC to promote the development of informed, knowledgeable and safe practice, and qualified practitioners are required to maintain a personal professional profile containing evidence of reflection on practice.” For my reflective portfolio assignment I will discuss a scenario where I felt dignity was not provided…
Bathroom, Bathtub, Nursing 819 Words | 3 Pages
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Reflection: Surgery and Reflective Practice
other options are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what you would do if the situation arose again (Gibbs 1998). Unlike many other models (with the exception of Boud) Gibbs model takes in to account the realm of feelings and emotions, which played a part in a particular event. My rationale for using the reflection framework to the clinical encounter is to try and demonstrate my ability to link theory to practice during the process of reflection. I also choose the Gibbs model to…
Health care, Patient, Physician 1119 Words | 3 Pages
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REPORT: associates degree in nursing date: 12/4/2012 Descriptive Abstract This investigative report will go into detail about associate’s degree in nursing. Nursing is the largest health care profession in the U.S. Over 2.5 million strong, nurses make up the largest workforce within the clinical healthcare industry. Nursing careers offer a wide variety of roles and a broad scope of responsibility. This report will also show graphs and steps to get into a nursing program as well as job titles…
Academic degree, Associate’s degree, Bachelor of Science 927 Words | 4 Pages
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Reflection of Nursing Student
REFLECTIVE JOURNAL As a second year nursing student I felt mixed emotions of excitement and anxiety when I was thinking about my upcoming clinical placement because even though I have been working as a patient care assistant at Royal Darwin Hospital for a year and had already undergone clinical teaching block for one week . The responsibility of being a nurse is big and much complex than my current job [1.2 Fulfils the duty of care] especially when handling assigned patients. Thus, need to…
Health, Health care, Nurse 1455 Words | 4 Pages
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Nursing Experiencing Mentorship & Reflection of Practice
Experiencing Mentorship & Reflection of Practice – Applying Research in Practice Description of Mentorship Through out the years the nursing profession has changed, through evidence based practice, and nursing research the profession has elevated. Nurses have the tremendous responsibility of human lives in their hands, and as such the demand for clinical competence is essential. Academic education is a part of the journey however, as nursing is a practical profession there is also…
Coaching, Maybach Foundation, Mentorship 1275 Words | 4 Pages
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Reflection: Health Care Assistant
maintained and all names have been changed to protect identity. The purpose of reflection as stated by John’s (1995) is to promote desirable practice through the practitioner’s understanding and learning about his/her lived experiences. I have decided to reflect upon an incident with the nurse in charge in one of my shifts and in order to structure my reflection I have decided to use John’s (1995) model of reflection. This model encourages practitioners to work through a series of reflective cues…
Health, Health care, Health care provider 805 Words | 3 Pages
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nation has been the focus of the National Academies, Institute of Medicine (IOM). It turns out to be that clear from their research that nursing plays an important role in the conveying health care. Robert Woods Johnson Foundation (RWJF) was appointed by IOM the Committee through the interdisciplinary practiced that depend upon the initiative on the Upcoming of Nursing. The aim was to create an achievement in favor of plan for anything that would let nurses to principal alteration in the direction to…
Health, Health care, Health economics 1333 Words | 4 Pages
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Reflection in Teaching
Reflection in Teaching Teachers, it is thought, benefit from the practice of reflection, the conscious act of thinking deeply about and carefully examining the interactions and events within their own classrooms. Educators T. Wildman and J Niles (1987) describe a scheme for developing reflective practice in experienced teachers. This was justified by the view that reflective practice could help teachers to feel more intellectually involved in their role and work in teaching and enable them to…
Education, History of education, Pedagogy 779 Words | 2 Pages
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The field of nursing is very broad. With a degree in nursing, someone could enjoy a range of experiences. With a degree in nursing from NCCU State University, there are a number of career paths I could follow such as, becoming a Registered Nurse Case Manager, Nurse Practitioner, or Patient Advocate. Within this research paper, I will explore the nursing job field and also give statistics on the nursing field. Nursing is a profession filled with limitless personal and professional rewards. When…
Health care provider, Healthcare occupations, Hospital 1447 Words | 4 Pages
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NURSING Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice. Nurses practice in a wide diversity of practice areas with a different scope of practice and level of prescriber authority in each. Many nurses provide care within the…
Christianity, Florence Nightingale, Health 793 Words | 3 Pages
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What is nursing? What exactly does it mean to nurse a patient, and how has this definition changed over the past centuries? What does the discipline of nursing consist of? In this essay, I aim to attempt to answer these questions, along with the help of a myriad of nursing researchers whose studies have helped to broaden my perspective on what exactly it is that I now do for a living. I will be discussing the different types of nursing knowledge that assists us as nurses to care for patients and…
Florence Nightingale, Health care, Health care provider 1724 Words | 5 Pages
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Self Reflection
Self-‐Observations and Self-‐ Reflections Maximum 1000 words each term The purpose of these three reports is to demonstrate how you have used the learning journal to develop your self-‐awareness from term to term. (See Section 11 about the Learning Journal) Each report is due at the first class meeting after each reading week. Guidelines: The Reports should include your reflections about: …
Awareness, Learning, Phenomenology 806 Words | 3 Pages
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glance of reading the ANA code of ethics it seemed way beyond my “scope” of practice. I took a lot of time to read since it was kind of repetitive in a sense. I’m a new graduate to nursing field and without experience I don’t have ample nursing philosophy yet. I have worked as a hospice nurse now for 3 weeks, and have a nursing perspective of 3 weeks. It’s hard to imagine the code of ethics being realistic, 100% of the time. As nurses we are humans and not robots. The ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses…
Ethics, Florence Nightingale, Health care 1313 Words | 4 Pages
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excellent nursing care (Srivastava, 2007). However, health care provider’s roles and responsibilities in meeting health care needs of the clients in consideration to cultural perspective and diversity are getting more challenging and complicated due to increased number of people from a group of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, which, in turn requires health care providers to acknowledge and understand variations of cultural healthcare beliefs, values and practices. Transcultural nursing is essential…
Competence, Culture, Four stages of competence 2676 Words | 7 Pages
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0916-484-5004 DEGREE: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Las Piñas College College of Nursing March 29, 2001 Passed the Integrated Comprehensive Licensure Exam June 10, 2001 Passed the Midwifery Board Exam November 10, 2009 WORK EXPERIENCE: Las Piñas City Medical Center Las Piñas City, Philippines Staff Nurse (OB GYNE, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WARD) August 22, 2001 – December 21, 2004 Clinical Instructor supervising: Nursing Midwifery Caregiving students in OB GYNE and Pediatric…
Chavacano language, Medicine, Nursing 445 Words | 4 Pages
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INTRODUCTION Critical incidents are snapshots of something that happens to a patient, their family or nurse. It may be something positive, or it could be a situation where someone has suffered in some way (Rich & Parker 2001). Reflection and analysis of critical incidents is widely regarded as a valuable learning tool for nurses. The practice requires us to explore our actions and feelings and examine evidence-based literature, thus bridging the gap between theory and practice
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