Part 1: Discuss the strategic value of personnel training and development. What are the implications for the MNC?

Part 1: Discuss the strategic value of personnel training and development. What are the implications for the MNC?

Part 2: Look back on your work for the assignments in this course and reflect on the problems and recommendations related to the organizations expanding their operations globally. How do the risk assessments and recommendations for the global organizations compare to domestic organizations?

By the due date assigned respond to the discussion question assigned by the faculty. Submit your response to the Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates’ submissions and continue the discussion through the end of the module. Comment on how your classmates would address differing views.

Discussion Grading Table
Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions
Quality of responses to classmates
Frequency of responses to classmates
Reference to supporting readings and other materials
Language and grammar

Modern organizations with a global appeal are investing substantive resources towards the training and development of their workforce. Training and development (TD) is an essential of any human resource policy as it seeks to not only educate the workers on the current best practices to yield a competitive advantage, but also helps in improving their current knowledge, skills and abilities (Aguinis & Kraiger 2009; Memon et al., 2017 ).  In the changing global business world, there is a huge impetus for the adoption of the technological advancement, better access to information and financing of operations which require specialized abilities and knowledge to be undertaken. According to Briscoe, Tarique, and Schuler (2012), for multinational organizations (MNCs), training and development reduces the turnover rates, redundancies, increases productivity of the employees and ultimately enhances the organizational performance. Besides, the employees get to understand diversity of the teams which is crucial in enhancing collaboration and improving organizational culture.

Challenges and Recommendations for Expanding Globally Multinational organizations are faced with a myriad of challenges in the management of human resources than does those operating in a single market (Fallah & Lechler 2008). The greatest challenge emanates from managing employees obtained from different nationalities (Fallah & Lechler 2008).  Such involvements include the difficulties of providing health care plans, ho……………

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