The mid- to late 20th century was filled with amazing changes and events in professional nursing essay

The mid-to-late 20th century was filled with amazing changes and events in professional nursing. Select one of these changes or events, describe it, and explain how that change or event has impacted the quality of nursing practice today. Many nurses are still living that practiced 1950-2000. We don’t always think of that time period as nursing history, but it truly is. As you think about all the amazing changes and events during that time period and select one to describe, be sure to include how that change impacts the quality of nursing practice today. Maybe you can even talk to nurses who practiced in the mid-20th century!

Please include references.

Language Analysis Writing
Please be aware I’m looking for tutors who are experienced in this

type of writing and can provide best work for this task.

  • This task requires you to analyse the use of written and visual language of two materials.
  • Read the materials attach below and then complete the task.
  • Write your analysis as a coherently structured piece of prose. Your response will be assessed according to the criteria set out below.

Criteria for this task:

  1. understanding of the ideas and points of view presented
  2. analysis of ways in which language and visual features are used to present a point of view and to persuade readers
  3. controlled and effective use of language appropriate to the task

Required: I suggest using the template I have attach below ‘Prose Analysis Multiple Texts’ to structure your writing, as it will provide the proper way to write this task.

I have provided a file in which can help with writing, use of language and other areas.

There is no word count for this task, it highly depends on covering the introduction, body paragraph and conclusion for both materials.

A $10 bonus will be given for high quality work.

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