Youth & Mental Health Power Point Presentation

Youth & Mental Health Power Point Presentation

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* 10-12 slides reference list not included.
* A presentation that discusses Youth and mental
health conditions.
* Challenges to go beyond medical diagnostic
categories of Mental health and consider the lived
experience of those living with this condition.
* Apply critical thinking skills to presentation.
* Give overview of condition including main symptoms
* What is prevalence of the condition or disorder in
Australia including most common presentation by
age and gender.
* Summarise the DSM-5 criteria for the disorder
* Briefly describe 2 evidence based treatments that
are used to treat the condition
* Provide 2 quotes that give insight into the
experience of consumers living with the condition
* Evidence of critical reflection on own response to
mental health conditions
* Evidence of familiarity with current research and
I need a writer that can put themselves into my place as this is very close to my heart. I lost my son just over 2yrs ago to mental health and suicide. I just don’t feel that I can emotionally write this presentation and stay neutral. Regards Chris

Youth & Mental Health Power Point Presentation
Outline The Effects of Violent Media on Children

Feedback Resource Assignment: The Effects of Violent Media on Children
Name, you picked a good paper topic and good sources to write your paper. Your summaries and rationale regarding how you will use each source in your paper were well written. There were some formatting issues. (See bottom of page)
Prior to writing your course paper in paragraph form, you will create an outline for your paper. The outline should be organized similarly to the sample outline provided in the attached document. Your outline should have an Introduction section, Body section, and Conclusion section. The Body section should be organized according to themes you will discuss in your paper. The scholarly sources you are using must be included in the sections in which you plan to discuss their content.
Refer to the attached assignment document for full details and grading rubric.
Please note that the sample is only a guide and does not go into much detail about certain things. Your outline should be as detailed as possible. For example, the outline says:
A. Further introduction of your topic
a. Define (Symptoms of Depression)
b. Incidence (Numbers/Demographics)
c. Relevance (Broader Implications; Mental Health crisis)

If you are defining terms in your paper, in your outline, do not simply state Define X, Y, and Z in a bullet point in your outline. Instead, include definitions for those terms in your outline. The same is true for Numbers/Demographics. If you state that you will discuss statistics in your paper, your outline must include statistics and specific demographic information. Your instructor will want to know what information, specifically, you will include in your papers, and this is important for the following reasons:

a. This will make it easier for you to write your paper before its due. You will have all the information in your outline! More work now means less work later!
b. It gives your instructors a chance to confirm that the information in the outline, which will then be used in your paper, is accurate.

Note: The outline is organized by Topic, Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Within the Body, the content is organized by themes (sub-topics).
TOPIC Is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) an Effective Treatment for Depression?
A. Topic Sentence
B. Further introduction of your topic
a. Define (Symptoms of Depression)
b. Incidence (Numbers/Demographics)
c. Relevance (Broader Implications; Mental Health crisis)
A. Theme 1: CBT is Effective for those with Mild Depression
a. Topic Sentence: Numerous studies have shown CBT to be an effective treatment for mild Depression (citation).
b. Evidence from articles
c. Specifically, individuals with mild Depression significantly benefit from CBT (citation). Kline (year) showed that
B. Next Paragraph: Theme 1 continued (Additional Evidence that CBT is effective for those with mild Depression).
a. Topic Sentence
b. Evidence
C. Next Paragraph: Theme 2: CBT and Major (severe) Depression
a. Topic Sentence: Although CBT is effective for those with mild depression, those with more severe Depression may require both medication and CBT (citation).
b. Evidence
D. Next Paragraph: Theme 3: Conflicting Evidence*
a. Topic Sentence: In contrast, other studies have failed to support the idea that CBT is an effective treatment for Depression (citation).
b. Evidence
*You may or may not find conflicting evidence related to your topic. If conflicting evidence is not relevant to your paper, then Theme 3 might be another sub-topic such as the effectiveness of CBT versus meditation.
III. Next Paragraph: Theme 4: CBT and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
A. Topic Sentence:
a. Evidence
a. Topic sentence
b. Summary of main conclusions from paper
c. Importance/Implications for human health/psychology
d. Directions for future research
Prior to writing your course paper in paragraph form, you will create an outline for your paper. The outline should be organized similarly to the sample outline provided.
Your outline should have an Introduction section, Body section, and Conclusion section. The Body section should be organized according to themes you will discuss in your paper. The scholarly sources you are using must be included in the sections in which you plan to discuss their content.
For additional outline samples, refer to the following site:
Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Paper Outline Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Development Needed Proficient Exemplary
to Proficient
0 35 points 36- 47 points 48 53 points 54 – 60 points
Content Subject matter is minimally addressed. Outline format is not used or is minimal. Subject matter is adequately addressed. Outline is partially completed but lacks thematic organization, sufficient detail, and specific examples. Introduction, Body, and Conclusion sections lack logical organization. Subject matter is fairly well addressed. Outline is elaborated thematically and specific examples are provided. Introduction, Body, and Conclusion sections are fairly well organized. Subject matter is thoroughly addressed. Outline is well elaborated according to theme and fully supported with specific examples. Introduction, Body, and Conclusion sections are well organized.
0 11 points 12 15 points 16 17 points 18 20 points
Scholarly Sources One or no scholarly sources are used. Two scholarly sources are included. Three scholarly sources are included. Four scholarly sources are included.
0 11 points 12 15 points 16 17 points 18 20 points
Clear and professional writing and format Errors significantly impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed. Numerous errors somewhat interfere with professional presentation. Few errors that do not impede professional presentation. Writing and format is clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free.
Note: Failure to incorporate feedback from the paper resources assignment will result in up to a 10-point grade deduction on this assignment.
Grade: ________89__________
Student did incorporate feedback did not incorporate feedback (- ____ points)
Revised Grade: _______________
Resources Assignment
The Effects of Violent Media on Children
Browne, K. D., & Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. (2005). The influence of violent media on children and adolescents: a public-health approach. The Lancet, 365(9460), 702-710.
This article is an analysis of published research articles on the relationship that violent media has to violent behavior or action by children and adolescents. The research finds that despite the lack of methodological and experimental approaches, and extensive reliance on generality, violent imagery has a short-term effect on and or influence on violent behavior by children and adolescents. Equally, the research makes a connection between violent media influence on violent behavior to public health, stating that despite the inability to directly link violent imagery to violent behavior among children and adolescents, violence in the media still poses a significant threat to public health.
Relationship to the topic (how it relates to my topic and what I will write about):
For my research, this article will provide essential information that I intend to use to ascertain the relationship between violence in the media and the violent behavior witnessed among young people in the recent years. Equally, by stating certain limitations in proving a relationship between violent media and violent behavior among children and adolescents, this article allows me to approach my study with impartiality hence ensuring a more reliable research outcome.
Boxer, P., Rowell, H. L., Bushman, B. J., OBrien, M., & Moceri, D. (March 09, 2009). The Role of Violent Media Preference in Cumulative Developmental Risk for Violence and General Aggression. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 3, 417-428.
This experimental study shows the existence of a relationship between violence in media and the long-term development of violent behavior, and short-term expression of violence among young people. The study involved a group of 870 young people with violent pasts, with the majority of the participants indicating a slight relationship between violent media and violent behavior.
Relationship to the topic (how it relates to my topic and what I will write about):
This research article and the data gathered from the study will significantly impact the direction of my research by providing documentable data for indicating a relationship or lack thereof between violence media to violent behavior among children and young people.
Roberts, D. F., & Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2005). Generation M: Media in the lives of 8-18-year-olds. Menlo Park, CA: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
This survey sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows the connection between media and young people. It is not enough to focus on the specific subject of violence in media and how it contributes to violence in young people, without looking and ascertaining whether media, in general, have any influence on the general behavior of young people. This survey shows that indeed the media has a huge impact on the lives of young people and as such presents the possibility that violence in media I more likely to influence children and young adults.
Relationship to the topic (how it relates to my topic and what I will write about):
This survey provides a direct relationship and as such proof of the influence that media in general has over children and young people. In my research, this information will be crucial to proving that media violence can influence and contribute to the development of violent behavior and tendencies among children and young people.
Bushman, B. J., & Huesmann, L. R. (April 01, 2006). Short-term and Long-term Effects of Violent Media on Aggression in Children and Adults. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 160, 4, 348.
This analytical article tested the relationship that violent media has on 18-year-olds and younger children. The researchers focused categorically on the assumptions that violent media has both long term and short term behavioral effects on children and young people. The research found out that short-term effects were more expressed in older youth while long-term effects were more prevalent among the younger children.
Relationship to the topic (how it relates to my topic and what I will write about):
This research contributes essential information to my research. First by ascertaining and explaining how violent media influence behavior in children of different ages, the research has guided me towards focusing my efforts on discovering the how of such outcomes. In simple terms, I can use this information to study how violent media causes short-term behavioral effects in older youth and long-term behavioral effects on younger children.

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